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Basic usage

We have a very basic example in examples/basic/ that you can use to explore polly packages. This example contains multiple signals (in this case PromQL queries), a dataface, and in the end generates a Grafana dashboard with those lower level constructs.


First you want to clone this repository to your local machine and then change into the repository's directory. Make sure to install CUE on your computer so you can run the cue command.


Because the example comes with parameterized parameters (params) we cannot straight export JSON or YAML, but instead can evaluate the example. This means that CUE will evaluate as much as possible of the end result, still leaving a few places without the final parameters/strings.

From the root of the repository you can evaluate by running:

cue eval ./examples/basic

Note: If any of the constraints aren't fulfilled this step will fail and let you know that something is wrong.

The output of the evaluation should look something along those lines:

examplepkg: {
    header: {
        name: "node-exporter"
        uri:  ""
        params: {}
    signals: [{
        name: "NumCpu"
        lang: "promql"
        params: {
            job:      string
            instance: string
        query: "count without (cpu) (count without (mode) (node_cpu_seconds_total{job=\"\(params.job)\", instance=\"\(params.instance)\"}))" & string
    }, {
        name: "MemoryUtilization"
        lang: "promql"
        params: {
            job:      string
            instance: string
        query: "1 - (node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes{job=\"\(params.job)\", instance=\"\(params.instance)\"} / node_memory_MemTotal_bytes{job=\"\(params.job)\", instance=\"\(params.instance)\"})" & string
    }, {
        name: "VmstatPGMajFault"
        lang: "promql"
        params: {
            job:      string
            instance: string
        query: "rate(node_vmstat_pgmajfault{job=\"\(params.job)\", instance=\"\(params.instance)\"}[1m])" & string
    datafaces: {
        use_mem: {
            name: "USE"
            frames: {
                utilization: "MemoryUtilization"
                saturation:  "VmstatPGMajFault"
                errors:      ""
    grafanaDashboards: {
        v0: {
            nodedashboard: {
                uid:           "a8b327a"
                style:         "light"
                editable:      true
                graphTooltip:  0
                schemaVersion: 25
                #Panel: {
                    type:            !=""
                    transparent:     false
                    repeatDirection: "h"
                    options: {}
                    fieldConfig: {
                        defaults: {}
                        overrides: []


To export you need to insert actual parameters to the polly package for it to be able to actually export real YAML. Let's give the example some concrete params:

Note: directly modifying a polly package is NOT how we expect polly to be used in practice. Rather, you'll inject these parameter values via the tool that consumes the polly package.

            name: "NumCpu"
            lang: "promql"
-           params: {job: string, instance: string}
+           params: {job: "node", instance: "localhost:9100"}
            query: "count without (cpu) (count without (mode) (node_cpu_seconds_total{job=\"\(params.job)\", instance=\"\(params.instance)\"}))"
        // Amount of memory currently in use
            name: "MemoryUtilization"
            lang: "promql"
-           params: {job: string, instance: string}
+           params: {job: "node", instance: "localhost:9100"}
            query: "1 - (node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes{job=\"\(params.job)\", instance=\"\(params.instance)\"} / node_memory_MemTotal_bytes{job=\"\(params.job)\", instance=\"\(params.instance)\"})"
        // One minute rate of major page faults
            name: "VmstatPGMajFault"
            lang: "promql"
-           params: {job: string, instance: string}
+           params: {job: "node", instance: "localhost:9100"}
            query: "rate(node_vmstat_pgmajfault{job=\"\(params.job)\", instance=\"\(params.instance)\"}[1m])"

With that change, we can now run cue export ./examples/basic and will get a JSON output. Run cue export --out yaml ./examples/basic if you prefer YAML instead.

The output of exporting looks like:

    name: node-exporter
    params: {}
  - name: NumCpu
    lang: promql
      job: node
      instance: localhost:9100
    query: count without (cpu) (count without (mode) (node_cpu_seconds_total{job="node",
  - name: MemoryUtilization
    lang: promql
      job: node
      instance: localhost:9100
    query: 1 - (node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes{job="node", instance="localhost:9100"}
      / node_memory_MemTotal_bytes{job="node", instance="localhost:9100"})
  - name: VmstatPGMajFault
    lang: promql
      job: node
      instance: localhost:9100
    query: rate(node_vmstat_pgmajfault{job="node", instance="localhost:9100"}[1m])
      name: USE
        utilization: MemoryUtilization
        saturation: VmstatPGMajFault
        errors: ""
        uid: a8b327a
        style: light
        editable: true
        graphTooltip: 0
        schemaVersion: 25